Exploring Crystallisation in Agrochemicals: Insights and Challenges

As part of our 7-week collaboration with XtalPi in the 2nd Edition of Fundamentals of Solid Formulation (FSF2021) webinar series, CfPC is pleased to announce the 7th webinar in the series, “Crystallisation in Agrochemicals: The Good, the Bad, and the Unusual” with Adam Keates, PhD (May 19 from 11:00 AM – Noon EDT).

There is no registration fee to participate in this virtual event as we would like to remove any barrier for broadening the learning opportunities and engagement with scientists and researchers at this time.

You may register now at: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5019538174999541004


Crystallisation is a common technique to isolate and purify small organic molecules in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries, however, there are unique challenges related to the agrochemical industry, which will be presented. Crystallisation can also be undesired and may occur throughout a product’s lifecycle, for example during formulation temperature storage, spray tank mixing and droplet drying. In some instances, crystallisation can be minimised by understanding the relative stability and transitions between solid-states, especially across hydrate/anhydrate boundaries. In agrochemicals there are a range of formulation types and the desired solid-state is driven by formulation stability which can result in complex mixtures of solid forms.


blankAdam Keates graduated with a PhD from the University of Southampton looking into inorganic framework structures with a strong focus on crystallography to obtain structure-properties relationships. Since graduating he joined the leading agrochemical company, Syngenta, within the Process Studies Group based in Jealott’s hill looking at polymorph discovery for new active ingredients. In this role he is looking to find new ways to crystallise and predict polymorphs and understand the influence on formulation.

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