Join the 3rd Fundamentals of Solid Formulation Webinar Series 2022

J-STAR Research is pleased to announce our collaboration in the 3rd Edition of Fundamentals of Solid Formulation (FSF2022) webinar series, featuring an impressive line-up of speakers and topics.

This is a 4-week webinar series with a webinar every Wednesday from April 6 to April 27 organized by XtalPi and J-STAR Research, Inc.

Each webinar will feature a leading expert who understands your daily workflow and will share his/her real-world experience in successfully supporting preclinical and clinical projects. Attendees will be able to partake in an interactive and dynamic Q&A session with each speaker while connecting from the comfort and safety of their home or office.

There is no registration fee to participate in this virtual event as we would like to remove any barrier for broadening the learning opportunities and engagement with scientists and researchers at this time.

Check below for more information about this event or register now at:


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